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                OUR SERVICE

                Shenzhen City Jiayu Financial Advisory Co., Ltd

                Jiayu Commercial Consultant is a comprehensive consultancy organization with professional services including accounting, taxation, administration, business, listing and financing. It was established in 1993 as a professional consulting firm composed of certified public accountants, lawyers, financial planners and other professionals. Business management, professional training, industrial and commercial registration and the establishment of national companies and the establishment of the main business, business and other Chinese business consultancy services. The company is located in Shanghai, China.



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                Congratulations to Shenzhen Ka-domain Financial Consulting Co., Ltd. on-line website

                The State Administration of Taxation to adjust the VAT returns

                • 01 Congratulations to Shenzhen Ka-domain Financial Consulting Co., Ltd. on-line website

                  Congratulations to Shenzhen Ka-domain Financial Consulting Co., Ltd. on-line website

                • 02 The State Administration of Taxation to adjust the VAT returns

                  Recently, the State Administration of Taxation issued a notice to adjust the matters related to VAT tax returns, clearly since October 1, 2014, the value-added tax returns attached to the table to adjust the data to meet the business tax value-added tax pilot taxpayers summary Declare the need to pay VAT.

                • 03 Informatization auditing initial deterrent effect

                  Some people have a car, but in the information registration but did not declare; was a family of four, housing living area of 106 square meters ... ... staff through the computer network system, enter the query conditions, the name of a car, housing area , Pension, household income exceeding the protection of housing applications, etc. do not meet the conditions of the information, all marked on the screen.