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                Shenzhen Office

                Address: Futian District, Shenzhen CaiTian South Road 2018 in the deep Garden Building B, 10th Floor, Room 1005.

                Zip code: 518026

                Tel: (86755) 82996068  

                Fax: (86755) 22635958

                Email: kaowick@weddingsutah.com

                Contact: Miss Zhu

                Hong Kong Office

                Address: Room 505, 5 / F, Wing On Building, 71 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong

                Tel: (852) 36580758    90420852   

                Fax: (852) 30104087

                Email: hongkong@weddingsutah.com

                Contact: Mr. Zou

                Guang Zhou office

                Address: Longjin Road 777, Guangzhou Longjin Building, Room 22, 22nd floor, Tower

                Tel: (8620) 28032247    18312068043   

                Email: guangzhou@weddingsutah.com

                Contact: Miss Luo


                Shanghai Contact

                Hand to mention: (0) 13817918376   

                Power & nbsp; Post: repoffice@weddingsutah.com or annia_613@hotmail.com

                Contact: Ms Chan

                Beijing Contact

                Hand to mention: (0) 13810562257   

                Power & nbsp; Post: repoffice@weddingsutah.com or lishuying9@hotmail.com

                Contact: Mr. Sun


                Chengdu contact

                Hand to mention: (0) 18682697903   

                Power & nbsp; Post: repoffice@weddingsutah.com

                Contact: Miss Wang

                Guilin contact

                Hand to mention: (0) 13788586185     

                Power & nbsp; Post: repoffice@weddingsutah.com

                Contact: Ms. Zhou

                Chongqing Contact

                Hand to mention: (0) 13452197711   

                Power & nbsp; Post: repoffice@weddingsutah.com

                Contact: Miss Gao

                Shenyang contact

                Hand to mention: (0) 13066717622   

                Power & nbsp; Post: repoffice@weddingsutah.com or zffyzt@263.net

                Contact: Miss Zhu

                Xiamen contact

                Hand to mention: (0) 18859256895   

                Power & nbsp; Post: repoffice@weddingsutah.com or tomenlee@163.com

                Contact: Miss Li

                Qingdao contact

                Hand to mention: (0) 13963970890

                Power & nbsp; Post: repoffice@weddingsutah.com

                Contact: Mr. Li