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                Adjustment of Assets Valuation Accounts and Tax

                Postdate: 2016-11-08

                According to the specific purpose, according to certain principles, procedures and standards, the use of specific and appropriate methods to a unified currency in accordance with the relevant state laws, regulations, policies and information, according to the specific purpose of the assets assessment refers to the specialized agencies and personnel approved by the Government As a unit to redefine the asset price of a professional job.


                At present, there are three types of assets assessment institutions in China which have the "State-Owned Assets Evaluation License" or the corresponding qualification: First, comprehensive assessment institutions (such as asset appraisal center); the second category (Such as real estate appraisal agencies, etc.); and the third category is the assessment agencies (such as accounting firms) that are engaged in or engaged in asset valuation.


                According to the provisions of the existing laws and regulations, enterprises in the following several behavior, the need for asset assessment:

                First, the enterprises to implement mergers, contracting, leasing, joint venture, share operations and mortgages, economic security;

                Second, the enterprise auction, sale of assets (including the sale of assets folded shares);

                (3) Joint ventures or cooperative ventures;

                4, enterprise management status evaluation, estimation clean-up, bankruptcy clean-up;

                5. Other economic activities that need to be assessed in accordance with the laws and regulations.


                The asset appraisal institution conducts the asset appraisal and conducts the individual assessment of the assets of the enterprise, including tangible assets (including fixed assets, current assets, special assets), intangible assets (statutory assets and income assets) and financial assets (including stocks and bonds) Or comprehensive assessment; assessment of tangible assets or intangible assets assessment; technical assessment or experience assessment, the purpose of the assets assessment must be clear, the commission for the client to assess the purpose of carrying out specific assessment.


                The purpose of enterprise asset evaluation is to correctly reflect the value of assets and its changes, to ensure timely and full compensation for asset depletion, to maintain the legitimate rights and interests of the owners of assets, to achieve the optimal allocation and management of assets. As the assets assessment in specific economic activities, runs through the different economic behavior, the performance for different specific purposes. Specific purposes are different, the methods used in the assessment are also different, dealing with the natural handling of accounts are also different.


                There are several cases in which the accounting process is divided according to its purpose:

                1. Assets assessment for the purpose of share operation, joint ownership between different enterprises of different ownership enterprises, merger or auction between different ownership enterprises, and Sino-foreign joint venture or cooperation shall be based on the price after the evaluation, according to the final Transaction price or agreement contract price, adjust the enterprise's book value;

                2. Assets assessment for the purposes of contracting, leasing, business evaluation, mortgage, economic guarantee, etc. shall only be kept as accounting documents in the period of contracting mortgage and guarantee for the purpose of reference and no accounting treatment;

                Third, the joint venture, joint stock system and other ownership of domestic enterprises, in the assessment of the value of the accounting adjustments should be based on the proportion of the owner of the parties to increase or decrease the proportion of the parties to the amount of investment;

                Fourth, in the case of transfer and sale of property rights, the results after the appraisal and the final asset transaction price may be inconsistent, may be higher or lower than the value of the assessment, the final transfer should be the market transaction price for accounting treatment.

                In addition to the second case need not be the account adjustment processing, the remaining three cases need to adjust the accounting treatment. After adjustment, there is no doubt that the book value of tangible, intangible and financial assets is increased or decreased (usually in the current general situation, the value added is much). In the future business activities of the enterprise, The reduced value is reflected in the increase or decrease in the book value of fixed assets, current assets, special materials, intangible assets and marketable securities, and is directly involved in the operation of the enterprise, thus having certain impact on taxation:


                First, the impact on corporate income tax

                The impact of corporate income tax includes two cases: one does not affect the calculation of corporate income tax, and the other is the calculation of corporate income tax.

                The first case, the enterprise in the normal production and operation and continue to operate under the premise of the assets assessment. The revaluation of the revaluation of assets appraisal shall be adjusted correspondingly to the accrued depreciation accrued according to the book value. The accumulated depreciation will be offset against the revaluation surplus of the fixed assets. The net difference between the two is the fixed assets. The net book value increased by the full value revaluation. In the future, depreciation will be calculated in accordance with the normal depreciation method, which will directly offset the revaluation premium of the fixed assets without increasing the cost or prepaid expenses. Therefore, it does not affect the calculation of enterprise income tax. which is: 

                Revalued Full Value:

                By: Fixed Assets Loan: revaluation surplus of fixed assets

                Supplementary depreciation or future depreciation:

                By: fixed assets revaluation surplus credit: accumulated depreciation

                But in specific work, due to human factors, will be intentionally or unintentionally, this part of the depreciation of assets into cost costs or prepaid expenses, virtually increasing the cost of the enterprise burden of corporate income tax evasion. Therefore, the classification of value-added projects should be strictly separated from the independent record reflects the strengthening of this part of the depreciation expense accounting and accounting treatment audit.

                The second case is the appreciation of assets after the asset price investment. On the one hand, it reflects the current price of the assets received by the enterprise as shareholders' investment as the book value, according to which depreciation is accrued. Meanwhile, the lender reflects the increase of the paid-in capital and the certified public accountants carry out capital verification accordingly. In the treatment of accounting technology, since the "paid-up capital" is the company's registered capital in the Government's specific reflection of a confirmed, can not arbitrarily increase and decrease, and under normal circumstances, only increasing. In addition, the current policy does not provide clear treatment, and generally think that this part of the assets of the enterprise as normal access to the same ordinary assets involved in the operation of enterprises and the provision of depreciation, directly included in the cost of production costs, not according to the first The same as the case of accounting treatment, not for offsetting paid-up capital, namely:

                Value after valuation (original price + appreciation) As investment:

                By: fixed assets loans: paid-up capital

                Supplementary depreciation or future depreciation:

                By: cost or cost of credit: accumulated depreciation

                The accounting treatment of the situation will directly affect the profit and loss later in the enterprise, affecting the calculation of corporate income tax. Its occurrence is mostly foreign-invested enterprises, foreign enterprises and some collective and private enterprises.

                In this regard, the calculation of the amount of income should be adjusted accordingly, that is, without changing the accounting treatment on the basis of the depreciation of this increase in the amount of taxable income tax increase calculation of corporate income tax, neither violate the existing foreign investment policy Provisions of the principle of treatment, without reducing the collection of corporate income tax.

                Second, the impact of other taxes

                1, after the valuation of fixed assets, the appreciation of part of the book value of fixed assets for the adjustment of fixed assets, said the increase in the value of fixed assets, this part of the value of the increase is the source of their own funds, 0.5 ‰ should be calculated in the current part of the increase in stamp duty .

                2, if the assessment of the appreciation of the property or real estate, including property, then increase the value of property will be in accordance with the provisions of the property tax regulations to pay more property tax per year, namely:

                Appreciation of the value of × 70% × 1.2% = multi-pay property taxes

                3, the appreciation of assets after the assessment, in the first and fourth evaluation purposes, the enterprise will sell the property transfer, the appreciation of the part of the same time increase the value-added, increase the payment of value-added tax. But also increase the current income tax of the enterprise income tax.

                Therefore, when determining whether to assess the existing assets, the enterprise must make it clear whether it conforms to the requirements of the existing laws and regulations and the purpose of the assessment. At the same time, considering the impact of the above, correctly handle and perfect the accounting records to ensure the healthy conduct of the assets assessment. , To promote enterprises to better management. (From the "foreign tax" 1992 the twelfth)