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                Pragmatic into the Mainland

                Postdate: 2016-11-08

                Chen Ye Feng China Consulting Co., Ltd., under Chen Ye Fung, who specializes in Chinese and foreign business development, recently organized the theme of "How to integrate Hong Kong from Mainland China into the Mainland; how to build a successful enterprise in China with a pragmatic strategy." "seminar. In the light of their experience, the three speakers attracted over 70 representatives of local enterprises from different industry backgrounds.

                Commercial investment in the Mainland to Hong Kong is very important

                Mr Leung Hing-ping, a director of Chen Yip Fung, believes that the integration of Hong Kong business into the Mainland after the accession to the WTO is extremely important to Hong Kong. The company's Chinese tax adviser Zou Haiyan also believes that Hong Kong enterprises should be timely use and formulation of strategies to invest in the Mainland and establish a good foundation for development. He is experienced in this area and is currently advising a number of fast-growing Hong Kong enterprises, including Café, Maxim, Newcomer and Chevalier, to help develop the Mainland market.

                Another topic of the seminar was "How to Build a Successful Enterprise in China with a Practical Strategy" by Tan Zhongxi, President of Xinling Air Conditioning Group. He said that one of the secrets of doing business in the Mainland was generally regarded as a "bargain", but he exemplified the concept as outdated and developed in the Mainland today. He also provided practical advice on how the model could operate in the Mainland.

                The other speaker, Mr Chan Fung, Managing Director of the China Consulting Group, speaks of "financial and operational supervision" as an expert in helping businesses monitor their field operations. He is also an expert on why individual companies are After the establishment of the field, it will lead to serious financial losses, and how to beat the simple steps. And provide insights on how to use the advantages offered by the Mainland to enhance business potential.

                After the meeting, he said that the seminar was very successful and planned to organize a series of activities in the future to continue to assist enterprises to enter the Mainland market. I believe that with years of experience, we will be able to effectively help Hong Kong entrepreneurs to realize the great potential of the Mainland market and achieve greater success in the Mainland market. (Excerpted from the Hong Kong "Ta Kung Pao" February 23, 2003)