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              1. <blockquote id='612KKf'><q id='612KKf'><noscript id='612KKf'></noscript><dt id='612KKf'></dt></q></blockquote><noframes id='612KKf'><i id='612KKf'></i>

                Project approval

                Postdate: 2016-11-09

                Approval of the project refers to the project proposal and the feasibility report submitted to the planning department of the Chinese government approving agency prior to the investment, and the agreement / contract and the articles of association of the project shall be carried out after approval. Establish procedures for registration.

                In the "project proposal" has not been approved by the project before the signing of only a number of intentional documents, temporarily unable to sign binding definitive documents.

                If the Feasibility Report is approved, formal agreements, contracts and other documents may be signed.

                In the "project proposal" has not been approved by the project before the signing of only a number of intentional documents, temporarily unable to sign binding definitive documents.

                If the Feasibility Report is approved, formal agreements, contracts and other documents may be signed.

                Upon approval of the project, the approval of the foreign economic and trade bureau will be issued and the establishment of the approval.