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                Feasibility study

                Postdate: 2016-11-09

                Feasibility study is a key stage in the early stage of project investment. It is based on the proposal of the project to carry out multi-scheme comparison, comprehensive analysis and scientific demonstration for the key elements of the project. The purpose of feasibility study, mainly from the technical, economic, market, financial, resources, environmental protection, security and other aspects of a comprehensive and systematic analysis, demonstration project set up the necessity and possibility.

                Feasibility study report, the main contents should include the following aspects:

                (1) Establishment. The name of the proposed enterprise, nature, the proposed election address and operating period.

                (2) Particulars about the shareholders. Including the basic situation of the shareholders; the main ideas and contents of the investment plan; the total analysis and conclusions of the investment plan.

                (3) business scope and scale. Including the specific product name, production scale, product sales channels and the proportion of export.

                (4) market forecast and analysis. Including the domestic and foreign market conditions of the survey data and analysis; product specifications, technical performance, sales prices, and with major domestic and foreign competitors and product comparison and analysis; product sales methods and conditions of transport.

                (5) material supply planning. On the raw materials, accessories, auxiliary materials, power, utilities and other varieties, specifications, quality, quantity requirements.

                (6) site selection and engineering content. Including the natural, economic, social, transportation and other conditions of the summary; the need for the total site area and the draft plan; civil engineering content and workload; equipment and installation work content and workload; and supporting the land, plant, water, electricity , Installed capacity, fuel and transport (vehicle) requirements and their sources.

                (7) production technology and major equipment. Indicating the source of technology and advanced nature, applicability and reliability, the number of major equipment, model, size, origin and the degree of new and old.

                (8) the production process.

                (9) enterprise organization and personnel training. Including the total number of staff and workers, the composition (foreign personnel, managers, technicians, production workers, etc.), enterprise organization and personnel training program.

                (10) Environmental protection impact and control plan. Including waste water, waste residue, waste gas and other treatment programs and instructions.

                (11) Investment estimate. Including the total investment (including investment in fixed assets, the amount of liquidity investment), registered capital, the parties to the joint venture capital contribution, the proportion of funding, funding, funding sources and capital investment plans. The difference between the total amount of investment and the registered capital shall indicate how much domestic financing is to be raised and how much to raise from overseas.

                (12) Analysis of economic benefits. It mainly analyzes the composition of production cost, budget and major financial indicators, the total economic benefit analysis and investment profit rate analysis, the sensitivity analysis and the cash flow measurement.

                (13) Project implementation plan and schedule prediction. Commissioning, production date and forecast of production capacity; signing contract, articles of association, consulting the list of the board of directors and the progress of the plan for the approval of the project. II. The project plan and the schedule of the project;

                (14) Other situations that should be highlighted.

                (15) Comprehensive evaluation conclusion. Including technical, economic and other aspects of the evaluation conclusions, problems and recommendations.