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                Administrative fees

                Postdate: 2016-11-09

                In response to the implementation of the differences around the various administrative fees for registration are also different, the basic criteria are as follows:

                ◆ Government fees for registration of foreign-funded enterprises:

                - Government approval free of charge

                - The fee for the approval certificate shall not be collected temporarily

                - Business registration fee (according to the registered capital) 0.4 ‰ -0.8 ‰

                  Registered capital of 10 million yuan and below 0.8 ‰

                  Registered capital of more than 10 million yuan to 100 million yuan 0.4 ‰

                  Registered capital of 100 million yuan or more is no longer charged

                - Business license fee of 10 yuan

                - Exemption from company name search fee

                - Company name pre-approved registration fee of 100 yuan

                - Organization code registration fee of 148 yuan

                - State tax registration fee of 8 yuan

                Local tax registration fee 8 yuan

                - Exemption from customs registration fee

                - Foreign exchange registration fee exemption

                - Exemption from financial registration fee

                - Seal carving costs 300-400 yuan

                - Bank account fee of 300-850 yuan (according to the provisions of the bank charges)

                ◆ Government fees for foreign representative offices:

                - Exemption from government approval

                - Industrial and commercial registration fee of 600 yuan

                - Organization code registration fee of 148 yuan

                - State tax registration fee of 8 yuan

                Local tax registration fee 8 yuan

                - Customs Registration Fees (opt-in arrangements) exemption

                - Foreign exchange registration fee exemption

                - Seal engraving costs 250-300 yuan

                - Bank account fee of 300-850 yuan (according to the provisions of the bank charges)

                ◆ Government fees for private enterprise registration:

                - Business registration fee (according to the registered capital) 0.4 ‰ -0.8 ‰ (specifically with the foreign-funded enterprises)

                - Business license fee of 10 yuan

                - Exemption from company name search fee

                - Company name Pre-approved registration fee waiver

                - Organization code registration fee of 148 yuan

                - State tax registration fee of 8 yuan

                Local tax registration fee 8 yuan

                - Exemption from customs registration fee (exemption from import and export rights)

                - Foreign exchange registration fee (exemption from import and export rights) Exemption

                - Seal carving costs 300-400 yuan

                - Bank account fees of 300-850 yuan (according to the provisions of the bank charges)

                ◆ other nature of the enterprise registration, with reference to the implementation of the above-mentioned government fees.