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                Branch office

                Postdate: 2016-11-09

                ◆ Concepts

                "Branch" means a corporate body that is established by a body corporate in order to meet the needs of the business development and market development, and to expand the business of the head office in different regions, in areas other than the registered address of the head office. Normally branches are established as branches, branches and offices.

                ◆ business scope

                Branch offices have different lines of business, depending on the branch / branch and the office. Branches and branches, such as the service industry and non-manufacturing industry, you can operate the same business with the head office; for the manufacturing industry, the total sales of products for the distribution business, generally can not be the same as the manufacturer.

                However, no matter the service industry, non-manufacturing industry or manufacturing industry, the business scope of the branches shall not exceed the business scope of the subordinate institutions, nor shall they obtain the business scope registration different from the subordinate organizations.

                ◆ establish conditions and requirements

                The establishment of branches, the need to meet the following conditions and requirements:

                - The working capital of the branch is to be determined (not the registered capital but the working capital which the head office can bear)

                - The registered capital of the affiliated institutions has been paid in accordance with the prescribed time limit

                - The business scope of the branch office shall not exceed the scope of business of the subordinate institution

                - Have a fixed, independent registered address or place of business

                - The Office shall not engage in business operations

                ◆ Registration Procedures

                The registration of a branch includes the following procedures:

                - the approval of the registrar of the head office

                - Registration of the location of the branch

                - Registered address Fire Approval Permit Approval (if required)

                - Organization code registration

                - Tax registration (tax and land tax)

                - Bank basic account registration / account opening permit

                - Statistical registration (not required in individual areas)

                - approvals by special authorities (eg accountants)

                ◆ file information

                - Application for the establishment of branch offices (branches) of foreign - funded enterprises

                - The letter of approval / approval letter from the head office registration authority for the establishment of the branch office

                - a certificate of legal use of the site, including a lease of a real estate license or a leased property

                - Resolutions of the Board of Directors regarding the establishment of branches

                - Letter of appointment, curriculum vitae and proof of identity of the person in charge of the branch office

                - A photocopy of the business license of the affiliated organization

                - Approval documents of the competent authorities of special industries (laws and regulations stipulate that branch offices need to be examined and approved shall be submitted)

                - Other relevant branch registration documents, documents

                ◆ Registration Fees

                Registration fees include government and related departmental fees, as well as professional agency services:

                Government Registration Fee ¥ 1,000 (approx., Varies by region)

                Establishment of business registration fee

                - Copy of business license fee ¥ 10 / each

                - Change the business registration fee

                - cancellation of business registration fee

                Annual inspection fee of industrial and commercial

                - Other documents and registration fees ¥ 500 (approx.)

                Agency Fee Contact our office

                Subsequent transactions

                Follow-up services refer to the day-to-day legal affairs after registration and the annual legal affairs, including:

                - Industry and commerce and other registration examination

                - Tax returns (monthly, quarterly and annual returns)

                - Declaration of accounts

                - Annual audited accounts / audits (consolidated to head office)

                - Social insurance payment declaration