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                Service organization

                Postdate: 2016-11-09

                Customs declaration services, in addition to enterprises can take care of themselves, the service agencies include: professional declaration enterprises and customs agents Enterprises:

                ◆ Acting declaration companies

                Acting declaration company, is the relevant regulatory approval of the foreign trade warehousing and transportation, international transport tools, international transport services and agents, such as the right to operate, 兼营 declaration services business enterprises. Such as Sinotrans, foreign companies, such agency business, the agent can only contract the goods of the customs declaration business.


                ◆ professional declaration company

                Professional declaration company, refers to the import and export operation right itself, there is no right to international transport agency, specializing in import and export goods to accept the business unit and the person in charge of transport and their agents commissioned to declare the formalities of enterprises. The agency business is fully open to business.