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                Regulatory norms

                Postdate: 2016-11-09

                Enterprise Fire Code:

                Refers to the office, production and processing place, and other places related to the production and operation of the enterprise to apply for registration in the establishment of the company and the daily operation of the process must comply with the provisions of the fire regulations, set up and establish fire management requirements qualified infrastructure , To ensure the safety of production and operation, to prevent the occurrence of fire and other fire accidents.

                Enterprises to set up registration, must be in accordance with the provisions of the fire engineering inspection and qualified to confirm the permission to obtain fire registration. Business registration of the rented office, the need for indoor decoration of the second building fire examination and approval; self-built plant to be approved for construction design fire protection.


                Regulatory Body for Fire:

                The institutions and individuals handling the indoor decoration of the building shall submit a written application to the local fire supervisory authority, collect and fill in the "Approval Form for Building Fireproof Design Approval", or the "Building Fire Protection Design Approval Form" Sent to the Public Security Fire Station (hereinafter referred to as "fire station") for approval:

                - City-level units and high-rise buildings, reported to the municipal fire department fire department for approval

                - belong to the jurisdiction of the building fire squadron, reported to the municipal fire squadron for approval

                - County-level buildings, reported to county-level fire brigade for approval


                The institutions and individuals who handle the examination and approval of building fire protection design shall submit a written application to the local fire control supervision organ, collect and fill in the "Application Form for Building Fire Protection Design and Approval" and submit it to the Public Security Fire Station for examination and approval as follows:

                - New construction, expansion, alteration works, cross-city construction projects, more than 20 layers of high-rise buildings and municipal building height of 24 meters above the project to the city fire station for approval

                - In addition to the jurisdiction of the city area outside the jurisdiction of the Fire Station all construction projects, reported to the area fire brigade for approval

                - C, D and E warehouses with a total construction area of not more than 1,000 square meters, C, D and E buildings (excluding high-rise buildings) with a construction area not exceeding 2000 square meters shall be reported to fire squadron for examination and approval