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                Approval management

                Postdate: 2016-11-09

                ■ Approval specification:

                The approval of environmental impact of construction projects will be divided into three categories according to different environmental impact levels. Different approval criteria will also be adopted according to the classification:

                The first category of projects: the basic environmental impact of construction projects, the approval of approval management;

                The second category of project: the environmental impact of the need to build pollution prevention and control facilities to eliminate or reduce the project on the environment pollution or damage, the implementation of environmental impact report form approval management;

                The third type of project: to carry out regional development or have a greater impact on the environment of construction projects, the implementation of environmental impact report approval management.


                ■ Approval Policy:

                - Construction projects shall comply with the relevant national and local laws and regulations, do not use the state restrictions or prohibit the use of substances (such as: Freon, asbestos, etc.) does not belong to the national hibiscus local prohibit the construction industry;

                - The site selection and layout of the construction project must conform to the requirements of the overall planning of urban environment, taking into account the impact on the surrounding environment and improvement;

                - After the completion of the project, the discharge of pollutants (waste water, waste gas, waste residue, noise, etc.) can meet the discharge standards stipulated by the state or local governments;

                - In the area where total pollutant discharge control is to be carried out, the total pollutant discharge control requirements must also be met;

                - Prohibit the use of outdated process equipment, prohibit the construction of projects with large consumption of resources and serious pollution, and prohibit the production projects without pollution prevention measures, and adopt the advanced production technology and equipment as far as possible;

                - Do not construct projects that pollute the environment or destroy the ecology and landscape in areas such as water source protection areas, nature reserves, scenic sightseeing areas, sanatoriums and bathing areas;

                - Prohibit the establishment of polluting industrial projects in urban residential areas, residential areas, cultural and educational areas and other areas requiring special protection, and strictly control the construction of hotels, restaurants and other polluting projects or facilities.