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                Audit Assistant

                Postdate: 2016-11-10

                Name Zhou Nan Gender Female Date of birth 1993.05.10 Telephone 18604887230 18228386587 Education Bachelor's degree in professional auditing Working experience 3 years Part-time experience National Han Graduation School Chengdu University of Technology College of Engineering Home Address Hohhot, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia Hulunbeier North Road E-mail 2208234262 @ Qq.com Education Background September 2012 ~ July 2016, Chengdu University of Technology College of Engineering Major courses in primary, secondary and senior financial accounting, cost accounting, auditing principles, corporate financial audit, financial management, corporate strategy and risk Management, computerized accounting, accounting manual simulation practice. Self-introduction 1. I cheerful outgoing, like with people, honest, work seriously at ease, I hope you can through their tireless efforts for the development of enterprises contribute their youth and strength. 2. KFC's three-year part-time experience and other part-time social activities not only cultivate my strong will, hard-working quality, but also exercise and improve my resistance to stress, execution and team spirit. 3. In 2015 admitted to the accounting qualification certificate. 4. I can use UFIDA software to complete the basic accounting / audit work, familiar with, master computer office software, such as Word, Excel software operation and use. Job Desired Job Desired Job Desired Job Desired Job Desired Job Desired Job Desired Job Desired Job Desired Job Desired Job Desired Job Desired Job Desired Job Target Job Desired Job Desired Job Target Job Desired Job Desired Job Target Job Desired Job Desired Job Desired Job Target Job Desired Job Type Full-Time Preferred Location (s) 1 Finance, Accounting, Accounting Assistant, Accounting Associate and Finance. 2). Administrative positions 3. Expect working areas, Beijing, Chengdu, Chongqing, Xi'an, Hohhot and so on. 4. Expected monthly salary: Negotiable Work experience 1. 2012 ~ Today, in the Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant in the front desk staff work. The main work includes ordering for the customer, cash register, catering and some of the recommended sales work. Because of the excellent work, have the honor to get the Kentucky Enterprise Service Star staff reward. 2. 2012 ~ 14 years, the use of winter and summer vacation time, by doing more Jiabo herbal tea promotion and distribution of educational institutions such as leaflets work. The main content of its promotional work in supermarkets and hot pot restaurants to promote customers Jiabao Bao herbal tea. 3. Ya'an earthquake, the Chinese Red Cross as a young volunteer, in the Leshan area to actively raise money to their modest, for the dedication of a love of Yaan. Skills certificate accounting qualification certificate, the computer secondary certificate. Interests and hobbies Hobbies and interests, like reading, travel, skating, like food, willing to try their hands. resume