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                We have set up different professional service organizations according to different business scope and commercial area, so that we can provide all-round services more professionally. Our professional services include:


                China Tax Business Consultants Limited

                Tax Consulting, Tax Planning, Tax Analysis and Risk Assessment, Tax Investigation Assistance, Tax Coordination, Tax Audit, Tax Declaration, Tax Annual Review, Tax Registration, Tax Agent, Corporate Finance and Tax Due Diligence Audit and risk assessment; the establishment of China's various types of business institutions and companies registered to assess China's investment environment analysis, site selection and analysis, investment feasibility analysis and institutional setting recommendations; business partners such as matching.


                Ka domain listed financing Services Limited

                We provide professional consultancy services on corporate finance, private equity, mergers and acquisitions of assets or assets, listing guidance, planning and arrangement, merger and acquisition, Chinese and foreign investment planning and consultancy, investment feasibility study and analysis, planning and arrangement.


                Shenzhen Guangshen Certified Public Accountants

                Providing professional services including auditing, capital verification, asset valuation, corporate income tax settlement verification, liquidation or bankruptcy auditing, listing and financing, mergers and acquisitions as well as auditing, forensic and due diligence investigation of Chinese certified public accountants' visas.


                Shenzhen High Field Consulting Service Co., Ltd

                The provision of business around China, the professional advisers, as well as business accounting computerized services; the establishment of overseas business institutions, offshore business arrangements and operation of supporting services; the economic information, consultants, business management consultants, corporate image and market planning service.


                Shenzhen City Jiayu Financial Advisory Co., Ltd

                Provide accounting bookkeeping, accounting consultants, corporate finance and tax planning accounting adviser, the accounting basis of guidance and guidance counseling, and the accounting agency services. The service area covers all parts of the country.


                Guangzhou City High City Financial Advisory Co., Ltd

                Provide accounting bookkeeping, accounting consultants, corporate finance and tax planning accounting adviser, the basis of standardized accounting guidance and counseling, and the accounting agency services. The company mainly serves customers in Guangzhou and the surrounding areas.